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What Foods Destroy Testosterone?

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What are foods that kill testosterone?

Ok, don’t kill the messenger! We love some of these foods below as well. But moderation is the key.

But if you’re over using several of these items then you most definitely have a issue with your Hormone Levels. Most of us are aware that several food options can help boost testosterone production. However, did you know there are certain foods, that actually help suppress the production of this key hormone.

Here are a few you might not know about…


On account of its high phytoestrogen content, soy has always been seen with suspicion by men who want to increase their testosterone. There is some amount of scientific evidence that suggests that soy may actually suppress this hormone.

The problem with soy products is that most of them have high amounts of substances called phytoestrogen isoflavones. These chemicals mimic the female hormone estrogen and have similar effects on the body.

‘Phyto’ implies that the substance is plant-derived. This is bad news since it indicates that estrogen- mimicking substances are from the plant itself and not from herbicides or any other external factor. Thus, every time you eat soy products, these chemicals will activate estrogen receptors to generate the effects of the female hormone estrogen.

As you might know, estrogen works in stark contrast to testosterone. Some soy advocates argue that phytoestrogen isoflavones have a much smaller effect as compared to estrogen. However, these substances also reduce the activity of androgen receptors, meaning that it will disrupt the testosterone activity in your body. No good for us men!

In other words, you will not be able to feel the full benefits of whatever testosterone there is in your bloodstream since phytoestrogen isoflavones are interfering with the critical function of androgen receptors, without which testosterone cannot work.

The adverse effects of soy products on androgen receptors are responsible for the maintenance and development of the male phenotype.

Another problem with soy is that it disrupts the thyroid function due to which it is described as ‘goitrogenic.’ Suppression of the thyroid gland is a key reason why many men and even women have low testosterone levels.

Soy problems don’t end here. Another major health issue is that soy has the wrong fatty acid profile. Over half of all fat content in soy is polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFAs. These fatty acids can sharply depress testosterone production when their percentage is too high as in soy products.

Sadly, avoiding soy is not as easy as you might think.

Soy is now part of many processed foods bad for testosterone and it is also given to kids in school meals.

Therefore, make sure to read labels carefully to avoid this testosterone killer. Science may not have yet proven the exact chemical pathways through which soy reduces testosterone. However, you are better off avoiding it, irrespective of the exact causes.


All kinds of mint, including spearmint, peppermints as well as other hybrids have a bad effect on testosterone levels.

You may be thinking that avoiding mint is as simple as not putting this herb in your food – where it is found all too frequently. However, the picture is more complicated since mint exists in a wide spectrum of personal care products, including toothpaste, cough relievers, soaps and shampoos.

Some studies provide evidence that mint may do a number to testosterone. Hence, you should steer clear of large doses of this herb.

One study carried out on women shows the powerful effects of mint in reducing testosterone dramatically. Women suffering from hirsutism (too much facial hair) due to high androgen levels were prescribed mint to bring down their testosterone and androgen levels. Researchers recorded a substantial fall in testosterone levels. Similarly, some animal studies indicate that mint may not be conducive for high testosterone.

To remain safe, you should avoid mint as well as all of its hybrids and derivatives. Make sure that you read product labels carefully to avoid it.


This sweet-tasting food may be delicious but it is not exactly healthy for testosterone. Glycyrrhizic acid is not good for healthy testosterone and it is found in high amounts in licorice. Sadly, this substance is behind the great taste of licorice, but it is also a testosterone crusher.

The substance inhibits testosterone by neutralizing a specific enzyme that stimulates the production of testosterone in the Leydig Cells by catalyzing testosterone production.

Luckily, this food is quite easy to avoid.

If you were ever fond of this sweet substance, you can find several other more testosterone-friendly options to satisfy your sweet craving.

Vegetable Oils

Vegetable oils have numerous issues that make them problematic, not just for testosterone production but also for your entire health. To begin with, they have low smoke points due to which they can go rancid pretty fast. Hence, vegetables oils may replete with large amounts of free radicals that give rise to all kinds of chronic diseases.

Vegetable oils are naturally high in PUFAs, which as you have already read above, can bring down testosterone levels.

Some studies suggest that saturated and monounsaturated fats may be better than PUFAs for your testosterone.

Vegetable oils can be rather unhealthy since they have levels of omega-6, which is detrimental to your body when in high excess. The trouble with the standard American diet is that omega-6 levels are much higher than omega-3 levels; an imbalance that many researchers believe is responsible for the current high prevalence of chronic diseases.

The ideal ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids should be around 1:1 and no more than 2:1. Sadly, most Americans consume several times the safe level of omega-6s as their ratio is closer to 16:1. A large body of research shows that excessive amounts of omega-6 can trigger high inflammation levels, which can bring you down with chronic diseases. Chronically high inflammation is also responsible for rapid aging.

Olive oil, coconut oil and palm oil may be better alternatives to high-PUFA vegetable oils.


Do nuts lower testosterone?
Nuts are a popular health food and much favored by nutritionists and health experts. However, certain nuts have a bad effect on testosterone. Walnuts and almonds boost testosterone and are some of the most popular nuts — you will find plenty of information online extolling their health benefits. While much of it may be true, there is one thing that these sources are not telling you about. Almonds and walnuts also boost levels of a substance called SHBG, which binds to testosterone in effect, neutralizing its androgenic effects. In other words, it greatly reduces testosterone production.

Nuts also happen to have high amounts of PUFAs, which as you are well aware, hammers testosterone levels.

It does not end here. Nuts also have high levels of phytosterols, which although beneficial for heart health, are not so good for high testosterone.

Some low-PUFA nuts that you can eat without worrying too much about unfavorable omega-6 to omega-3 ratio include:

  • Pecans

  • Cashews

  • Macadamias


Wait what!? isnt this supposed to be healthy?

You might feel that flaxseed is a surprising entry as it has high amounts of omega-3s that are not only beneficial for health but also great for the right omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Sadly, this superfood is also high in lignans, which works in a number of ways to reduce testosterone.

  • Flaxseeds prevent testosterone from converting to dihydrotestosterone, which is a highly potent androgen that can boost the effects of testosterone.

  • Lignans cut down free testosterone levels.

  • SHBG levels rise due to which free testosterone becomes inactive.

Studies carried out on both men and women show that flaxseeds can bring down testosterone levels dramatically.

Although flaxseeds are the new health fad, you may want to avoid it if you are interested in raising natural testosterone levels. Thankfully, most will not miss it too much since this is not a common feature of Western cuisine.


It seems that there is no disease that alcohol does not fuel. So we all need to ease up on those old-fashions and beer, sorry guys!

Currently, government guidelines on‘safe’ alcohol consumption stand at just one glass of wine per day for women and 2 for men.

Heavy alcohol drinkers have higher levels of estrogen due to which they have more body fat. As you would know, estrogen has the opposite effects to testosterone. Beer belly and alcohol is not a coincidence. Belly fat increases inflammation levels, which further drive down testosterone.

One study published in the Current Drug Abuse Review shows that even regular drinking over a long period of time is enough to bring down testosterone levels, apart from heavy drinking.

Trans Fats

Almost everyone knows that trans fats are not going to do any favors to your health. To begin with, trans fats are made from the very same vegetable oils that are high in PUFAs. But that is not all. The hydrogenation process makes the fats highly inflammatory, which greatly increases the risk of all sorts of chronic diseases.

The combination of high PUFAs and elevated inflammation will do your testosterone no good. Hence, you should give up foods like cakes, donuts, muffins, potato chips, fast food and margarine. Trans fats are present in many processed foods since they impart a long shelf life to packaged foods.

While reading labels, you should look out for terms like hydrolyzed and hydrogenated — foods to decrease testosterone. Instead of mentioning trans fats directly, food manufacturers often use less common terms to indicate the presence of trans fats.

Fried Foods

Fried foods have awfully high levels of PUFAs, which are very bad for testosterone. In addition, they also tend to have high amounts of sodium, which can result in adverse health consequences.

Whenever you fry anything, it tends to soak up huge amounts of PUFAs.

So eating fried foods is actually ingesting a very high dose of PUFAs which slash testosterone production and increase inflammation.

You will do yourself a world of good by avoiding PUFA-laden fried foods.

Processed Foods

Any food item that comes in bright and pretty looking packing almost always contains trans fats and other artificial ingredients that can damage your health and testosterone levels. Besides trans fats, processed foods also carry high amounts of vegetable oils, which are a source of PUFAs.

When purchasing foods, make sure that you focus on buying fresh produce while avoiding processed foods. If you want to buy processed foods, make sure that it is organic.


Sugar is as bad as it gets for all aspects of your health, besides just testosterone. To say that Americans consume lots of sugar might feel like an understatement. The average American manages to consume almost 20 teaspoons of sugar each day.

Heavy sugar consumption brings down testosterone and increases inflammation in the body as well as belly fat, both of which shut down testosterone.

Final Thoughts

Stay away from the foods listed above, or at least limit their consumption if you want higher testosterone levels. In addition, make sure that you are consuming enough testosterone-boosting foods.

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