If premature ejaculation is affecting your most intimate relationship, The Performance Center’s methods for controlling sexual response can help.
Premature Ejaculation
Men who undergo The Performance Center’s treatments for Premature Ejaculation quickly return to the sex life and confidence they once enjoyed. So instead of dreading another night with your partner, you’ll look forward to renewed sexual vigor and vastly improved stamina. The satisfaction and intimacy you and your partner thought were gone for good will return, strengthening your relationship, causing your self-esteem to soar, and changing your mindset from “no, not now” to “yes, right now!” Fortunately for Southern California males, The Performance Center provides advanced treatments for Premature Ejaculation plus the other most common men’s health issues…
Low Testosterone.
You don’t have to live with the irritability, depression, decreased sex drive, increased body fat, and loss of muscle mass caused by age-induced “Low-T.” Learn More…
Erectile Dysfunction.
Our treatments for ED are proven, and not only will they improve your physical well-being, but they’ll enhance your mental and emotional health as well. Learn More…
Assess the benefits of supplements:
Get the details, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B9 (folic acid), Vitamin B3, Ginseng, Fish Oil, Magnesium, ashwagandha, Maca, and Creatine Monohydrate.